
David Čáp

Painter, tattoo artist and visual artist born in 1992 in Teplice. Currently lives and works in Prague and Kralupy nad Vltavou.

David has a constant creative urge, always trying to discover new techniques and invent unconventional methods. His journey began with tattooing, a profession he is still pursuing. He rejects conventional boxes, he is forging his own aesthetic path.

Although tattooing remains a passion, David feels the weight of client expectations and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, he seeks artistic liberation in painting, where he experiments with abstract forms and unconventional processes.

Recently he has been creating unique papier-mâché furniture that mixes functionality with expressive, sometimes even ridiculous or caricatured shapes. His aim is to push the boundaries of visual appeal without sacrificing utility, ensuring that each piece is both exceptional and functional.


  • 2024, Designblok: Art House, UPM, Prague, CZ
  • 2024, Czech Design Week: New Generation, Clam-Gallas palace, Prague, CZ
  • 2024, Summer Salon, M6 Gallery, Prague, CZ
  • 2024, Nuance, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, DE
  • 2023, Designblok, UPM, Prague, CZ
  • 2023, Czech Design WeekGalerie Mánes, Prague, CZ
  • 2023, On Chair – Balancing on the Edge of Comfort, THE DESIGN, Prague, CZ
  • 2023, Hybrid Canvas: Human vs AI, Reunion Gallery, Prague, CZ
  • 2023, Beztíže, Sladovna, Písek, CZ
  • 2021, KANIA ~ ČÁP, Dudes & Barbies, Vnitroblock, Prague, CZ
  • 2021, Poslední rok…, Dudes & Barbies, Vnitroblock, Prague, CZ
  • 2020, YouAllDroveMeCrazy - Arose in motion, Maj 4. Patro, Prague, CZ
  • 2011, Krušné doly, Exhibition hall Bílina, Bílina, CZ
  • 2010, Sondáž 2, Božák, Teplice, CZ
  • 2009, Sondáž, Božák, Teplice, CZ
  • 2009, 1% Streetfiles Photo Exhibition, Nest Speise- & Schankwirtschaft, Berlin, DE
  • 2009, Europa underground, CLAB studio gallery, Lodi, IT


  • CZECHDESIGN, "Baví mě nechávat se překvapovat procesem tvorby..."
  • ASB 5/2023, "Dobrý nápad je víc než mravenčí práce"
  • Design filtr #28 Evy Slunečkové, "Branky, body & papírová kaše"
  •, "Czech Design Week odstartoval. Nad touhle českou krásou bude slintat tvoje estetické já!"
  • MAGPAPER, "Zažijte design na vlastní kůži: On Chair – Balancing on the Edge of Comfort"
  • DolceVita 7/2023, "Přírodní a jiné divy"
  • Písecký deník, "OBRAZEM: David Čáp vystavuje své obrazy ve Sladovně"
  •, "Od videoklipů k tetování a malbě. Chtěl jsem se vyjádřit beze slov, tak tvořím, říká David Čáp"
  • kniha Netetuj se blbě (Aneta Cibulková)

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